Learn More about Upper Back Pain & Its Symptoms

Aug 10, 2020


Welcome to Pharmhouse Wellness, your trusted source for alternative and natural medicine in Moore, OK. If you have been experiencing upper back pain, we are here to help you understand its symptoms, causes, and treatment options. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the best quality care to improve your wellbeing.

Understanding Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain refers to discomfort or pain in the area between the base of the neck and the bottom of the ribcage. This region, known as the thoracic spine, plays a crucial role in supporting the upper body and protecting vital organs. While less common than lower back pain, upper back pain can still significantly impact daily activities and overall quality of life.

Causes of Upper Back Pain

Several factors can contribute to upper back pain:

  • Poor posture: Slouching or sitting for long periods with incorrect posture can strain the muscles and ligaments in the upper back.
  • Injury or trauma: Accidents, sports injuries, or falls can lead to upper back pain.
  • Muscle strain: Overuse or sudden movements that stretch or tear the muscles can cause discomfort.
  • Arthritis: Degenerative joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, can affect the thoracic spine and cause pain.
  • Spinal abnormalities: Conditions like scoliosis or herniated discs can impact the upper back and result in pain.
  • Stress and tension: Emotional or psychological stress can manifest physically, leading to muscle tension and upper back pain.

Common Symptoms of Upper Back Pain

Recognizing the symptoms associated with upper back pain can help you seek appropriate treatment:

  1. Dull, aching pain: Persistent discomfort in the upper back.
  2. Pain with movement: Discomfort worsens when moving the neck or shoulders.
  3. Tightness or stiffness: Feelings of tension or limited range of motion in the upper back.
  4. Muscle spasms: Involuntary muscle contractions that cause pain or tightness.
  5. Numbness or tingling: Sensations of pins and needles in the upper back.
  6. Headaches: Upper back issues can sometimes lead to tension headaches.

Treatment Options for Upper Back Pain

At Pharmhouse Wellness, we offer various treatment options to relieve and manage upper back pain:

Massage Therapy

Our skilled massage therapists specialize in techniques that target the upper back muscles, helping to reduce pain, increase circulation, and improve flexibility. By focusing on specific areas of tension and applying therapeutic pressure, massage can provide significant relief for upper back pain.

Physical Therapy

Our experienced physical therapists create personalized treatment plans to address upper back pain. Through exercises, stretches, and manual techniques, they aim to strengthen the muscles, improve posture, and restore mobility.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the spine and relieve pressure on affected nerves, reducing upper back pain. Our skilled chiropractors use safe and effective techniques to promote proper spinal alignment and overall wellness.


As a form of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific points to restore balance and relieve pain. This holistic approach can be beneficial for upper back pain, helping to relax muscles and improve energy flow.

Prevention and Self-Care Tips

While seeking professional treatment is important, incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine can also support upper back health:

  • Maintain good posture: Sit and stand with proper alignment to minimize strain on the upper back.
  • Take frequent breaks: If your work involves prolonged sitting or repetitive movements, make sure to take regular breaks and stretch.
  • Strengthen the core: Engaging in exercises that strengthen the abdominal and back muscles can provide better support for the upper back.
  • Avoid heavy lifting: When lifting objects, use proper techniques and ask for assistance if needed.
  • Manage stress: Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to reduce tension and stress-related upper back pain.


At Pharmhouse Wellness, we understand the impact upper back pain can have on your daily life. By providing a range of alternative and natural medicine options, including massage therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture, we strive to help you find relief and improve your overall wellbeing. Don't let upper back pain hold you back from enjoying life. Contact us today and find the best massage near you in Moore, OK!